Setup a Git Server
A simple and comprehensive guide on how to set up a self-hosted Git Server 11/12/2021
Welcome! Today, we're going to learn how to setup a simple and lightweight git server!
We're gonna do the following :
Install required software
Configure SSH
Configure Git & Gitolite
Configure NginX
Configure GitWeb
Please note that you have to replace the "server" hostname with your ip address
Installing required software
All we need here is git, gitolite and gitweb:
root:server# apt install git gitolite3 gitweb
(if it says to create a user or configure something, say "no", we are gonna configure everything later!)
It is strongly recommended to use ssh keys to log in instead of using a password.
Generate a key
It's actually pretty simple, just run the following in your computer (not the server) :
user:computer$ ssh-keygen
And follow the instructions.
Make your server trust it
- 1st method
Just run :
user:computer$ ssh-copy-id root@server
- 2nd method
Go to your ssh public key and copy everything in there. Ssh into the server and paste your ssh public key to your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
Disable password logins
Now, if everything happened successfully, you can now log into your server without the need of the user's password (but if you entered an ssh key password, you will be promped to enter that password instead)! Let's now disable password logins for security reasons!
Log into your server and open the /etc/sshd/sshd_config file. Now find, uncomment or create these lines and set them to no :
root:server# vim /etc/sshd/sshd_config
PasswordAuthentication no
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
UsePAM no
Now reload sshd:
root:server# systemctl restart sshd
Done! Now our server is more secure than ever!
Git and Gitolite
Gitolite is a nice software to manage our repos. There is Gitosis too but I prefer Gitolite.
Create a "git" account
For this, we need to create an account named "git". This account will be used for managing our repos.
Just run the following:
root:server# sudo adduser \
--system \
--shell /bin/bash \
--gecos 'git SCM user' \
--group \
--disabled-password \
--home /var/lib/git \
This will create our git account, with the full name "git SCM user", no password and with the /var/lib/git home directory. It will be a system user.
Now, lets configure Gitolite. As the "git" user, create the "sshkeys" directory (in /var/lib/git) and copy the ssh public key we created earlier there.
Once that's done, run the following:
git:server$ gitolite setup -pk sshkeys/<key goes here>
Now, we need to configure the right permissions, or else, gitweb won't work.
Use your favourite text editor to edit the ~/.gitolite.rc file and change the UMASK to 0027:
git:server$ vim .gitolite.rc
# default umask gives you perms of '0700'; see the rc file docs for
# how/why you might change this
UMASK => 0027,
And after that, run as root:
root:server# chmod g+rX /var/lib/git && chmod -R g+rX /var/lib/git/repositories
Done! Now Gitolite is configured!
Create repositories
Do NOT add new repos or users manually on the server!!!
To create a repository, run the following on your computer (Here, I'm cloning it on /tmp/):
user:computer$ cd /tmp && git clone git@server:gitolite-admin.git
After that, use your text editor to edit the conf/gitolite.conf. Add the following:
user:computer$ vim gitolite-admin/conf/gitolite.conf
repo {repo name goes here}
RW+ = <username>
For more info, gitolite has very good documentation here.
NginX (pronounced "Engine X")
Now, lets configure nginX! Create the /etc/nginx/sites-available/git_server and add the following :
root:server# vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/git_server
server {
#replace "" below with your domain (or subdomain)
listen 80;
root /usr/lib/cgi-bin;
location /index.cgi {
root /usr/share/gitweb/;
include fastcgi_params;
gzip off;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $uri;
fastcgi_param GITWEB_CONFIG /etc/gitweb.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket;
location / {
root /usr/share/gitweb/;
index index.cgi;
After that, we need to add the "www-data" user to the git group (permissions...):
Note : in this case, the user nginX uses is "www-data" but sometimes in other distributions, it is "nginx" or "http".
root:server# usermod -aG git www-data # Change www-data with http or nginx for some other distros
Now, restart nginX:
root:server# systemctl restart nginx
Go to your browser and you will see glourious gitweb working!
Now, let's configure gitweb!
If you created repos on Gitolite, these repos won't show up on gitweb because we didn't define where to search them.
Edit the /etc/gitweb.conf file and add/modify the following:
root:server# vim /etc/gitweb.conf
$projects_list = "/var/lib/git/projects.list";
$projectroot = "/var/lib/git/repositories";
Done! Now your repos will appear in
CUSTOMIZATIONS !1!!!!!111!!1!1
Did you know you can customize GitWeb? Take a look at my Git Server at As you can see, I applied my own stylesheet.
How you can customize it:
the CSS is located in : /usr/share/gitweb/static/gitweb.css
cgi scripts are located in : /usr/share/gitweb/gitweb.cgi and /usr/share/gitweb/index.cgi
the config file is located in : /etc/gitweb.conf
Well, I hope this helped you setting up a git server. If you found a mistake or anything, you can contact me on Matrix :
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